Meet Your Voice Mentor
Hi Friends! I'm Maria McNeil Phelps- voice teacher/mentor, singer-songwriter and podcast host of the Realign Voice Studio Podcast.
My passion is helping people connect with their authentic voice. But before all of this, I was just like you. I wanted to sing. I wanted to be an artist.
Sometimes it can be hard knowing where to start and even harder digging deeper and finding what makes you...well you.
Just like you I needed help discovering and nurturing my sound. I also really needed help giving myself permission to let go of what I thought I was "supposed to do or sound like".
Now with nearly 18 years of experience teaching I am super excited to create a space that is all about helping my clients get out of their own way and connect to their authentic sound.

How to Work With Maria
I am passionate about supporting the WHOLE singer! Mind, Body & Spirit
Playing music can be complicated when your body is your instrument. And I truly believe that my job isn't about churning out the next flashy singer. My job is helping singers create a loving, curious and compassionate foundation as they connect or reconnect with their authentic voice and decide how they want to share that with others. We've all heard the stories... A child is told that they should stop singing because they sound terrible. It's then repeated and delivered with laughter to be played off as teasing but that child is now 65 years old and refuses to sing because they hate their voice. A lot of the times it is family members, partners or even teachers that have made sharp comments making it even harder to gain the courage to create sound. Well I'm here for you and I can help you! Whether it's one-on-one lessons, workshops, my podcast or my new Facebook group, I am always looking for new ways to help my clients connect to their authentic voice.

Lessons, Workshops &
Master Classes
Realign Voice Studio offers a number of one-on-one session options and works by three 3 month terms (January - March, June - August and September - November). All new clients get a 15min free consultation via zoom/FaceTime to chat about goals and get to know each other better. You can also book Maria for workshops and masterclasses. Realign is closed in April, May and December.

The Realign Voice Studio Podcast has a conversational interview style that explores its tagline of what it means to encounter your authentic voice. Over the years as a voice teacher, I've had the pleasure of meeting people who are passionate about finding their purpose and sharing their dreams with others. This podcast is about how others have found their voices, whether becoming an activist, a singer, a minister, a visual artist, and diving deeper into their stories of how they continue their journey of self-discovery. This podcast is available on Apple Podcast, Spotify and other major platforms.

Join The Inner Circle
When you join the Realigned Singers Inner Circle/ Facebook Group you get access to an online community with a behind the scenes look at how the studio operates, weekly encouragement, previews of upcoming podcast episodes and exclusive content from our podcast guests and yours truly. Plus discounts on upcoming online classes and courses.
Coming Soon!
Making Inboxes More
Relatable, Uplifting and Supportive
for singers, songwriters, creatives and anyone looking to step into their voice.
Realign Voice Studio